Right now, there are few people in the civilized world who don't know about the coronavirus (technically, COVID-19), whose pandemic is causing major changes worldwide. As of this writing, the story is evolving and changing every day, and there is no way of knowing exactly which path the pandemic will take. What is clear is that coronavirus is a major health concern, and that raises the question of whether you have sexual or specifically penile health problems.
The answer is yes, more or less. At least as far as is known now. (It should be noted that the information presented below is for educational purposes and should not replace the advice of qualified medical professionals who should be consulted by anyone with questions about the coronavirus.)
Today's coronavirus is known to be transmitted most effectively through infected droplets that pass from one person's mouth or nose to that of another. For example, if a contaminated person sneezes in the face of a second person, there is a fairly significant chance that the second person will also become contaminated. (It should be noted that in both cases, the person who sneezes and the person with a sneezed face, it is possible that neither person knows they have a coronavirus. It is asymptomatic in most cases). cases, but can still be transmitted to someone other than the asymptomatic).
The coronavirus is also believed to be transmitted through contact with a surface that has been contaminated. So if a person with the virus spreads the germs to, say, a door handle, a person who touches the door handle can pick up the germs; If they then touch the face with the affected hand, the virus can be transmitted in this way. However, this method of transmission is less likely than direct transmission from the mouth or nose to another face.
Sexual health
How is this related to sexual health? Clearly, if sneezing or coughing can transmit these infected droplets, they can also kiss. So the kissing partner in which one partner is infected runs a significant risk of both partners becoming infected.
What about other sexual acts? Other versions of coronaviruses have not been found to spread significantly sexually; however, it stands to reason that if, for example, a woman infected with the coronavirus performed oral sex on a man who then touched his penis and touched his face, it could increase the risk of infection.
Other apparently more innocent acts related to sexual health can also pose some problems. For example, going on a date and sharing food Or drinking wine from a date glass could be a possible route of transmission.
You should even look at something like online dating apps. How many people clean their phone screens thoroughly on a consistent basis? Swiping to the right with an infected finger could create a problem.
The bottom line: If a person believes they might be infected, it is best to (1) get tested immediately and (2) avoid sexual (and other physical contact) until their health status is known. And it is important for people to be careful with possible infected surfaces, so they wash or disinfect their hands frequently and also screens or other objects that they touch frequently.
Hopefully the coronavirus will soon be under control and will no longer be a sexual health problem. Meanwhile, men should continue to regularly apply a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and skin-safe). Look for an oil that contains a variety of vitamins (A, B5, C, D, and E) to maintain good penis health. And also make sure the oil contains alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent damage to delicate skin by free radicals.
Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on the most common penis health problems, tips for improving penile sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer on numerous websites.
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