Sleep is an important factor in the recovery process of intrusive anxiety. When one is plagued by stressful anxiety symptoms, it is often difficult for them to fall asleep at night. An accelerated mind can become very active at the end of the day, especially when silence provides the perfect setting for worries to arise. It is not difficult to quench an accelerated mind once you understand what it takes to rest well at night. The advantage is that you will wake up calmer in the morning and you can enjoy your day more.
Regime to falling Asleep
The process to fall asleep at night begins in the morning hours of the day. When you wake up, it is time to start your natural regimen, which will result in a deep and deep sleep at night. This is based on what you do during the day and the nutrition you eat throughout the day.
Science of nutrition and sleep: amino acids are the precursors of serotonin (the chemical that feels good in the brain). To build amino acids, one must eat a lean protein (chicken, fish, meat, dairy, etc.) with each meal and snack. To release serotonin, to feel sleepy at bedtime, it is suggested to eat a complex carbohydrate (toast, bagel, dry cereal, etc.) without a protein at this time. Result: a sleepy, calm and easy way to rest deeply.
Exercise: the body craves movement during the day and this guarantees a good night's sleep and a simple way to fall asleep. Outdoor exercise is preferable because fresh air is stimulating and sunlight (even on cloudy days) increases serotonin in the brain. It is always brighter outdoors than indoors and this contributes to the construction of serotonin in the brain. Young children fall asleep as soon as their head touches the pillow because they play outdoors during the day. As adults we forget to "go out and play", spending too much time at our desks, in front of computers. Take a break early in the morning and walk outdoors. Warning: it can be addictive, because you will feel better and sleep more deeply at night.
Lighting: lighting plays an important role in the feeling of sleep before bedtime. The sun sets and the bright lights come on in our homes, shopping centers and streets. This interferes with the body's production of melatonin, which in turn interferes with our ability to fall asleep. Early in the night it is time to turn off the lights. Allow the body to adapt at night and, naturally, it will begin to produce more melatonin, which will give you the feeling of natural sleep. Also, if you wake up during the night, does it not reach the ceiling light of the bathroom, which will instantly cut off the production of melatonin? Try a softer light to keep the sensations of sleep uninterrupted.
Bedroom Environment: the bedroom should become a cozy and quiet place that naturally induces a relaxed sensation both in the mind and in the body. A cooler temperature should prevail in the bedroom because body temperature drops just before falling asleep. That is why we recommend breaking the window a bit to allow this process to take place in a cooler environment.
Mindset: your mentality is everything when you go to bed at night. If you worry all day about falling asleep at night, you may be training your brain to worry, which is counterproductive for relaxation and sleep. Being completely relaxed is about letting go. It is the absence of "trying" to do something. In fact, authorizing you not to sleep will ensure you fall asleep much faster. It is a paradox and an old trick that works incredibly well.
Listening: To cancel the noise in your head, caused by an accelerated mind, you may want to focus on external sounds. We have all experienced those distant sounds, far away, that surround the house and seep if we pay attention. Birds, whispering trees, a train in the distance, rain on the roof and all the other sounds of nature and even the city. This takes your mind out of your inner thoughts and gives you something neutral to focus on. This neutrality is perfect for letting yourself sleep and sleep.
Learning to value and protect your dream makes it a healthier and richer experience. With a few simple changes, sleeping well becomes your new habit. This is a behavior that is worth participating and will bring you extraordinary benefits. It is the pure and natural approach to feeling stronger, helps eliminate intrusive anxiety and provides an experience that continues to build a stronger mind and body. Your body, your mind and all your sense of well-being will benefit in countless ways. Not only will you discover that it is easier to fall asleep, but you will expect your new regime of rest and relaxation.
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